Fearrington Living
Our creatures great and small!
Let’s talk animals. Fearrington Village is located about 40 minutes away from the North Carolina Zoo – by the way, did you know that it is the World’s Largest Natural Habitat Zoo? But I digress. Within the community of Fearrington Village, our developer and founder RB Fitch likes to say “we love our trees”. Boy do we, as you drive through our community to look for your next home – you are going to see a ton of mature and majestic trees and green spaces…..you are also going to see a lot of wildlife. Yes we have a lot of deer here, they feel safe and they are intrepid, and we get to see a lot of babies gamboling often with their twin. There is at least one piebald , with its splotches of white and pigmented fur – when you see it you realize all its friends surround it – only they are camouflaged! Another fun creature to spot are the rabbits, particularly in the Spring, the babies are everywhere, often nesting near the walls of homes for extra security, and yes I have personally seen a large albino one. With the rabbit come fox, and these are breathtaking to spot on early morning walks. While walking the various neighborhoods it is also common to see the chipmunks crossing with their tiny nub tails sticking straight up! The ponds are full of turtles and fish and the migratory birds that these bring, such as large blue Herons that often stop by for a snack. Of course this community is so lucky to have the farm animals to enjoy. In addition to the very spoiled herd of Belted Galloway Cattle, we have Tennessee Fainting Goats, two donkeys and several chickens. It is safe to say that our residents come in all shapes, sizes and species!