Home Events - Fearrington McIntyre’s Books Author Events North Carolina Poetry Society Reading with Terry Kennedy, Mandy Monath and Dasan Ahanu

North Carolina Poetry Society Reading with Terry Kennedy, Mandy Monath and Dasan Ahanu

Join us for our monthly poetry series cosponsored with the NC Poetry Society. This month’s featured readers include

Terry Kennedy is the author of the poetry collections What the Light Leaves Hidden and New River Breakdown. He currently serves as the Director of the Graduate Program in Creative Writing at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where he edits The Greensboro Review as well as the online journal storySouth.

Mandy Monath writes children’s books, poetry, essays, short stories, and plays. Her collection of lyric poems, This Is Like That: Poems and Process (2022), was inspired by the similarities between painting and poetry. Monath earned a B.A. in Classics from Salem College and an M.A. from UNC-Chapel Hill.

Dasan Ahanu is a Southern writer and performing artist who uses storytelling as a means of deepening our understanding and awareness of what’s happening around us. He has performed across the country, appeared on national radio and TV, and published six books of poetry. The former Piedmont Laureate swings a mean pen and represents the SOUTH.


Sunday, Aug 25, 2024


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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