Eli Cranor, Broiler
Eli Cranor, Broiler
“Eli is one of the truly gifted young guns writing today. His first novel, Don’t Know Tough, won an Edgar Award for best first mystery while his second followed, Ozark Dogs, followed in its footsteps with critical acclaim. Now, with Broiler, he has stretched out his writerly arms and crafted something wholly new and all his own. Ostensibly set in an Arkansas chicken plant it is the story of the American Dream and how hard it is to earn it and how easily it can be taken away. Nasty and brutish at times Broiler follows two families. One is the boss and his disaffected, lonely wife stuck at home taking care of their newborn. The other is a pair of undocumented workers who have their dreams pulled out from under them. What ensues is part Raising Arizona (the movie) crossed with the late, great, Florida author Harry Crews. But, no doubt about it, this is Eli Cranor’s book all the way. Comparisons can made but nothing touches his imagination and what he’s trying to tell.” — Pete Mock