Meet the Team
Meet the Team!
Meet Ken Henderson, Mr. Fix-It for the entirety of Fearrington Village!
What drew you to Fearrington Village? To be honest…I needed a job!
How long have you been part of the team? I only planned on staying six months. I’ve been here for a little over thirty years. What made me stay? I found my home here.
What do you like the most about being part of the team here? I’ve met a lot of good people out here from around the world.
What was your most memorable experience here in Fearrington? The day that Van Halen stayed here and said if we didn’t stop making all that noise, as we worked on an Inn room, they would trash the place. All work halted on that project until they checked out.
What are your hobbies and interests outside of work? Fishing, gardening, working around the house.