Home Events - Fearrington McIntyre’s Books Author Events NCPS Reading with Karen Luke Jackson, Jim Zola and Clark Watson
A collage of three book covers. From left to right: "It's the Unremarkable That Will Last" by Jim Zola, featuring a storefront; "If You Choose to Come" by Karen Luke Jackson, depicting a grassy field with mountains; "The Weather in Bluffton, Ind." by Clark Watson, showing a street view. Fearrington Village

NCPS Reading with Karen Luke Jackson, Jim Zola and Clark Watson

Come out to join us for our monthly series joint sponsored by the North Carolina Poetry Society. June’s readers are Karen Luke Jackson, Jim Zola and Clark Watson.

Winner of the Rash Poetry Award and a Pushcart Prize nominee, Karen Luke Jackson has authored three poetry collections: If You Choose To Come, The View Ever Changing, and GRIT. Her poems have also appeared in numerous journals including Atlanta Review, EcoTheo, Susurrus, Salvation South, and Redheaded Stepchild. 

Jim Zola’s poetry books include One Hundred Bones of Weather (Blue Pitcher Press, 1990), What Glorious Possibilities (Aldrich Press, 2014), Monday After the End of the World (Kelsay Books, 2020), Erasing Cabeza de Vaca (Main Street Rag Publishing Company, 2020), It’s the Unremarkable That Will Last (Redhawk Publications, 2024).

Clark Watson (Holtzman) lives in Chapel Hill, where he writes and performs poems with The Slithey Toves, a spoken word jazz band. The Weather in Bluffton, Ind., to be published in spring 2024 by Slender Book Press, is Clark’s second book of poems.  His first, The Shepherd’s Calendar, is a book of musical-poetic theater. 


Sunday, Jun 30, 2024


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


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