Chatham Journal Newspaper, “Reindeer Readers program supports literacy in Chatham County”
Pittsboro, NC – Through donations gathered by McIntyre’s Books of Fearrington Village, the Reindeer Readers program provided books to every Chatham County Schools student in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and 1st grade. Books were age appropriate titles that included non-fiction books covering science topics alongside fiction books featuring characters familiar to students.
“We had this idea to support literacy and ensure every student had their own new book to keep and read as they go home for winter break,” said Keebe Fitch of McIntyre’s Books about the program. Fitch organized donors for the program who were able to provide a book to the nearly 1,500 students in grades PreK through 1st grade in Chatham County Schools. The Reindeer Readers program included students at all ten of the schools serving these grades making it a truly countywide program.
“Reindeer Readers is a wonderful program for our students because it’s a great reminder of how fun reading can be. We’re thrilled that they cared so much about our students and wanted to find a way to support our literacy efforts through this program.” reflected Carrie Little, Executive Director for Elementary Education, PreK, and Federal Programs in Chatham County Schools. “Principals were touched and thankful for the community support of their students and the work they’re doing in schools to get students excited about reading” added Little.