Home Events - Fearrington McIntyre’s Books Author Events Michelle Fishburne, Who we Are Now: Stories of What Americans Lost and Found During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Left: The book cover for "Who We Are Now" by Michelle Fishburne, displaying a road and the subtitle "What Americans Lost & Found during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Right: A woman with shoulder-length blonde hair smiling outside a brick building. Fearrington Village

Michelle Fishburne, Who we Are Now: Stories of What Americans Lost and Found During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Michelle Fishburne did the unthinkable during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic: she motor-homed 12,000 miles all over the United States and sat down with hundreds of people face to face. People shared what their lives were like, what made them struggle, and what surprised them. The personal histories in this book show a diversity of American lives, from the young college student who finds unexpected fame on TikTok to a special-education teacher sharing the challenges of remote learning. Everyone’s story is different. Some, like Fishburne, lost their jobs. Others lost family, friends, and even their own health and well-being. And yet among the difficulties, many found something that had eluded them before the pandemic. These testimonies offer a glimpse into what people across America lost and found during the pandemic’s critical first year. Fishburne lets us hear people’s stories as if we were there, in real time, at the beginning of COVID-19, when employment was uncertain, schools were online, and American life more unpredictable than ever before.

Michelle Fishburne is a full-time digital nomad, splitting her time between her 2006 motor home, Airbnbs, and the occasional house-sitting gig.


Saturday, Apr 01, 2023


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


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